
It’s All About You, Babe!

Love is a fickle foe, formidable and unbeatable. I’m referring to true love, that love which Aristole described as without ego, as a single soul inhabiting two bodies. The kind of love against which any victory is Pyhrric.

So, where is the love? It’s all about you, babe. And because romantic love encompasses first beauty, then fealty, then a broader sense of fidelity to one’s self as a patron to one’s community, even if that community only consists of a family or neighborhood, love is not chemical in nature alone.

We know from modern scientific observation and experimentation that love for humans begins with the individual being in the right chemical state for seeking a mate, that is, fed, rested and not under other undue stress. In a way, this means that the individual is ready and receptive to other, external signals from the environment

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