All The Other Crap

Does It Matter?

“When you love someone, it’s important to know when to let them go.”

Maybe I’m not quoting this correctly, but I think that it’s close enough for government work, as the saying goes. Only, I don’t agree with the sentiment that’s being expressed. Oh, I have tried, but it’s not very helpful to try. So, one can know “when,” but that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do, either. In fact, I think it’s the wrong thing, unless a restraining order or peer shame is involved.

No matter what the reason. I don’t want to know it. And yet there are times I do. I’m trying to adjust to where it doesn’t matter anymore.

So, if years pass and things get worse and there’s no going back, what’s the solution? Let them go? They’re gone, man. Gone. The remaining element is the perception of the way things might have been.

And if one’s thoughts are driven to the same foul memories, over and over, foul because they seem right and true though there’s simply no way to make them real. then what is the solution?

Run after that lost whatever, wrestle her, him it to the ground until . . . no, that won’t work. That’s controlling and actually pretty violent. Make overtures of reconciliation? That won’t work, either.

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