CDP changes
Here it is, differently. Discard the other paragraphs, please.
GP 89
She sounded resolute and the phone felt hot in his hand. The sky that had been grey all morning finally gave up a fine spray which slowly turned the world on the other side of the windshield into something Impressionist. He stared through it as she continued. “I want you to understand something.” Here it was: a pronouncement, like so many others from her, to be delivered with an imperious finality that was meant to push out any doubt about the power stored in her tiny five-foot frame. “If I take you back, and I mean ‘if”,” she paused for maximum Hollywood effect, “you need to understand that this can never be forgiven or forgotten, that you have done a very bad thing and that you must always prove to me, forever,” her voice lilted up as he imagined her pointing to the ceiling on the other end of the line with Tinkerbell emphasis, sans wand, “that you are worthy of my love. For you.” He rolled his eyes and then covered them, speaking softly, “Yes, I understand.” It wasn’t worth the fight, he knew from long experience, and in the end, even if he’d win, he would lose because he could see the world beyond her Disney fantasy where her excuse was innocence and loss.