
Are You Crazy?

I’m convinced that every so often, people, as a group, simply go nuts. The really nutty ones go off the deep end into the blue waters of the Land of La-La and the rest of you teeter on mass irrationality. Thing is, this herd response never fails to catch me off balance.

It goes a little like this: I’m happily driving down one of my favourite roads and i notice far more drivers than usual crazily speeding past me at eighty-plus, careening around the ubiquitous Pennsylvania dump trucks, which, by the way, I believe are moving the state of New Jersey to Ohio, one load at a time. Customer service enters a major “who cares” mode, with cell phone confabs far more important than getting me my goddamn doughnut. The line at the Post Office is agitated and swirly, with folks nervously holding their ground so that there’s no chance that the person behind them might even consider cutting ahead, oh no. Even

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